How to Get Blood Out of Sheets

How to Get Blood Out of Sheets

It happens! Whether you get a bloody nose in the middle of the night, your little ones jump into bed with cuts on their knees, or it’s that time of the month, sometimes blood gets on sheets. So, how do you get blood out of sheets?

Removing blood is no easy task, however, it is possible. The key is to be proactive. Once the blood dries, it can leave a permanent mark. Use our guide below for exactly how to get fresh and dried blood out of sheets and pillows.

How to Get Blood Out of Sheets: 6 Tips

A water bottle, washcloth, bucket, washing machine and hanging sheets with sparkles around them. Illustrtion

The best way to get blood out of sheets is to act as quickly as possible. You don’t want the blood to sit for too long because blood clots and it can quickly stick to your sheets. Below are our tried and true tips for removing blood from sheets. This method also works for removing blood from pillowcases, quilts, comforters, and other types of bedding!

Use Cold Water

Always use cold water when removing blood stains from bed sheets. Hot water can set the stain in further and make it difficult to remove. Once you notice the stain, remove your sheets and place the spot under cold running water. This will help flush out any excess blood.

Dab the Stain

Take a cold, wet washcloth and dab the stained area — never rub it. Rubbing the stain can spread the blood and cause it to set further into your sheets. Dabbing the stain can help remove any excess blood that has not yet soaked in.

Soak in Cold Water

Once you’ve dabbed the stain, soak your sheets in cold water. You can do this in a bathtub or basin. Let the sheets soak for about 30 minutes.

Use a Stain Fighter

After soaking your sheets, it’s time to bring in the big guns and use a powerful stain fighter. There are several household options you can use that we list below, however, we recommend using hydrogen peroxide and water. This works especially well for white or lighter-colored sheets. If you have darker sheets, test out using the hydrogen peroxide on a small section to make sure it won’t bleach your sheets.

A person pours a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide over a blood stained sheet. Illustration.

To get blood out of your sheets using hydrogen peroxide, grab a large bowl and place the stained section of your sheet in it. Then, pour a little bit of hydrogen peroxide over it (we recommend about ½ of a cup) and add cold water. Let it soak for about 24 hours. If the stain has not dissolved, repeat the process.

Machine Wash

Once the solution has soaked for 24 hours, you can machine wash your sheets through a regular wash cycle. Make sure to use a mild detergent and remember to only use cold water.

Air Dry Your Sheets

You should avoid using the dryer when trying to remove a stain from your sheets. The heat can set the stain in further. The best method is to let your sheets air dry. Place them outside in the sun or by a fan to speed up the drying process.

If your stain is being stubborn, repeat the above process or try a different stain-fighting solution.

How to Get Dried Blood Stains Out of Sheets: 3 Steps

Removing dried blood from sheets is a bit trickier because the stain has already set in. However, we’ve broken it down into three easy to follow steps:

A bucket, hydrogen peroxide, and a washing machine with sparkles around them. Illustration.

  1. Soak the sheets in cold water overnight. This will help loosen the dried blood.
  2. Pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Then, use a soft-bristled brush to pat it in. After about 10 minutes, dab the stain with a cold, wet rag.
  3. Machine wash your sheets in a regular wash cycle using cold water and a mild laundry detergent. Then, let your sheets air dry in the sun.

Don’t get frustrated if your stain doesn’t come out right away. Simply repeat the process and consider using one of the additional stain remover treatments listed below. If you have white sheets, bleach is also a great way to remove dried blood. Just make sure to dilute it first.

15 of The Best Stain Removers for Blood

There are several common household solutions that can help you remove blood from sheets and bedding.

  • Lemon juice: If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide on hand, try lemon juice. After soaking your sheet in cold water, apply lemon juice to the stain and gently rub it. Then, rinse with cold water and repeat until you see your desired results.
  • Meat tenderizer: As surprising as it may sound, unsalted meat tenderizer is a great way to remove blood stains from sheets. Simply sprinkle some of the tenderizer on the stain and add water. Then, mix the two to create a paste. After 30 minutes, rinse with cold water.
  • White vinegar: To use this method, pour white vinegar directly on the stain and soak it for half an hour. Then, rinse with cold water.
  • Aspirin: Aspirin is not only great at relieving pain, but also stains. Just take one to three tablespoons of crushed, uncoated aspirin, then sprinkle it on the stain to create a paste. Add about ⅓ cup of water to make a paste and scrub the area with an old toothbrush. Once the paste has air dried, remove any residue and rinse with cold water.
  • Salt water: If you enjoy the finer things in life and sleep in silk sheets, salt water is the best way to remove stains from delicate fabrics. All you have to do is mix one cup of cold water with one teaspoon of salt. Use a towel to wet the stain and let sit for about 10 minutes. Then, rinse with cold water.
  • Baking soda and lemon juice: These are two items you’re bound to have in your kitchen cabinets. To make this solution, mix two parts lemon juice and one part baking soda. Then, dab the bloodstain. Let the solution sit for five to 10 minutes and rinse.
  • Cornstarch and baking soda: Similar to the solution above, mix a tablespoon of cornstarch and baking soda with cold water. Apply the paste on the affected area and dab. Then, place your sheet in the sun to dry. Once the solution has dried, clear away any excess residue and if the stain remains, repeat the process.
  • Salt and dish soap: To do this method, first wet the stain with cold water. Mix one tablespoon of dish soap (any kind works) and two tablespoons of salt. Then, soak your stained sheet in the mixture for about 30 minutes. After, rinse with cold water.
  • Ammonia: Ammonia is a great way to remove a variety of stains including urine and sweat. When it comes to blood stains, mix together ammonia and water and dab it on the stained area. Then, put your sheets in the wash.
  • Stain stick: Stain sticks are a great way to remove any stain. You can usually find them online or at your local hardware store. After soaking your sheets in cold water, just run the stain stick on the stained area. Wait about 20 minutes and then wash your sheets as you normally would.
  • Cola: As strange as it may sound, Coke can help remove blood from stained sheets. Soak the stained section of your sheet in cola and let it sit for a few hours. The chemicals in the soda help lift the stain so it’ll be easier to remove after a wash.
  • Bleach: If you have white sheets, bleach is an amazing way to remove any stain. Mix about four tablespoons of bleach with ¼ cup of water to help dilute it. Then apply to the fabric and let it soak for 30–45 minutes.
  • Club soda: For this method, simply pour club soda on the affected area and let it fizz. Then, blot the stain until you start to see it disappear.
  • Oxiclean: After pre-soaking your sheets in cold water, mix together OxiClean and cold water (use instructions on the label for how much to include). Then, add your sheets to the solution and soak for up to six hours.
  • Contact solution: If you have contact solution on hand, spray it over your stain and let it sit for a few hours. Keep doing this until you see the stain start to lighten and then run it through a laundry cycle.

Repeat each of these processes as many times as possible until the stain is fully dissolved. Once you notice the stain fade, finish off the treatment by throwing your sheets in the washing machine. Make sure to use cold water and mild detergent with your regular washing cycle.

There is no better feeling than slipping into bed in nice, clean sheets. Whether you have a urine stain or a bloodstain, we’re here to help. Now that you know how to get blood out of sheets, you can get blood out of pretty much anything! Just use our guide above and test out different household stain fighters to find out what works best for you.

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