8 Reasons Why Attachable Headboards Are Worth the Investment

8 Reasons Why Attachable Headboards Are Worth the Investment

There are a number of different ways to customize your sleep experience, from choosing a mattress that supports your sleep position to finding bed linens that achieve your ideal bedroom aesthetic (dreamy pastels, anyone?). This year, another customizable trend expected to take bedrooms by storm is attachable headboards.

Like mattresses, bed linens, and bed frames, attachable headboards are found in a variety of styles, like plush and upholstered1 or bold and oversized.2 Some headboards even feature unexpected materials, like rattan,3 which can add texture and character to your room.

But is an attachable headboard worth the investment? We sure think so! Keep reading to uncover 8 reasons why you should consider an attachable headboard.

What Are Headboards Worth?

When discussing the worth of adjustable headboards, it’s tempting to jump right to their cost, which can range anywhere from $150 to $10,000, depending on the style, model, and brand.4

But ultimately, “worth” is a question of value, which doesn’t always correlate to price. So, what value does an attachable headboard add to the other standard elements of a bed, like the frame or footboard?

Quite a lot, as it turns out.

When you break it down, you can divide the value of attachable headboards into two distinct value types. These are:

  • The aesthetic value – Attachable headboards have the potential to elevate the aesthetic appeal of almost any bedroom.4 Whether you have a metal platform bed, a wooden panel frame, or an upholstered platform bed, you can quickly transform the entire bed into a stunning work of art simply by adding a new headboard that matches or complements the frame style.
  • The functional value – Aesthetics are important, but they’re hardly the only consideration at play when it comes to determining whether attachable headboards are a worthy investment. After all, a bed is a piece of furniture meant to serve one purpose above all others: helping you get the rest you deserve.4 Fortunately, attachable headboards are just as functional as they are aesthetically-appealing—and we’ll explain this more below.

The best attachable headboards represent a perfect marriage of aesthetically transformative design, functional materials, and affordability. Casper’s Drift Attachable Headboard has all three and takes only minutes to assemble.

The Functional Worth Of Attachable Headboards

When it comes to functionality, the worth of attachable headboards is indisputable. This brings us to the first five reasons that attachable headboards are a worthy investment:

  1. Attachable headboards establish a protective barrier between your bed frame and the wall, preventing your head from coming into contact with the wall while you’re asleep.5 This is especially helpful if you’re someone who tends to move around a lot at night.
  1. An attachable headboard acts as an extra layer of insulation that helps keep your cozy bed warm with the help from you warm sheets for winter.5
  1. Attachable headboards close the gap at the head of the bed to help keep your pillows underneath you—not under the bed.5
  1. Attachable headboards provide comfort and support for your back and neck when you’re sitting up in bed to read or watch TV.5

From helping to preserve the integrity of your walls to protect your head, back, neck, and more, attachable headboards don’t skimp on functionality. They play a large part in making a bed “work”, both as a piece of furniture and as your comfortable sleep oasis.

Additionally, by protecting your walls from damage caused by the bed frame—and vice versa—they preserve your personal property and cut back on expensive repairs. And by helping to regulate the temperature in your bed, they may even save you money on your heating bill.

8 Reasons Why Attachable Headboards Are Worth the Investment

The Aesthetic Worth of Attachable Headboards

Attachable headboards are highly visible, decorative pieces that directly impact the visual appeal of your bed and the entire design of your bedroom. In that sense, even the most functional attachable headboards moonlight as influential and evocative design elements.

Even so, the idea that headboards are merely optional stylistic flourishes without functional necessity is reaffirmed, however subtly, by the fact that so many bed frames are sold, installed, and used without them.

Fortunately, most attachable headboards are designed to accommodate a range of bed frames, from upholstered bed frames to wood and metal ones. Moreover, learning how to attach a headboard to a bed frame is a fairly simple and straightforward task—especially when it comes to the Bliss Attachable Headboard from Casper, a luxurious and easy-to-install headboard that makes a compelling addition to any room plus wall decor.

This brings us to the final four reasons why attachable headboards are worth every penny:

  1. They clarify aesthetic intention.
  2. They facilitate design cohesion.
  3. They help set the overall tone of a bedroom.
  4. They’re easy to mount on most bed frame styles.

Casper: Innovative Designs For Transformative Sleep

If you want to further customize your sleep experience and the look of your bedroom, consider an attachable headboard. By providing functional and aesthetic value, attachable headboards are a worthy investment, especially when you purchase from a company that offers beautiful, affordable styles made from materials that last.

At Casper, we go out of our way to craft high-quality attachable headboards and other innovative sleep products to help you transform your bedroom and your quality of sleep. Browse our Casper bed frames today to discover the possibilities for yourself.


  1. Decorilla. 2023 Bedroom Trends & Decorating Ideas to Copy Now. https://www.decorilla.com/online-decorating/2023-bedroom-trends/
  2. Woman and Home. Bedroom Trends 2023.https://www.womanandhome.com/homes/bedroom-trends-2023/
  3. In Decor Trends. Headboard trend 2023: Top 5 models that will enhance your interior design. https://www.indecortrends.com/headboard-trend-2023-top-5-models-that-will-enhance-your-interior-design/
  4. Furnishing Tips. Why Are Headboards So Expensive? https://furnishingtips.com/why-headboards-are-so-expensive/
  5. Furnishing Tips. 14 Reasons Why Headboards Are Necessary. https://furnishingtips.com/why-headboards-are-necessary/

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