5 Ways to Cope with Holiday Nighttime Blues

5 Ways to Cope with Holiday Nighttime Blues

With such an emphasis on unwrapping gifts, baking delicious treats, and gathering with loved ones around the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree, it’s no surprise that this time of year inspires joy and delight.

Unfortunately, as the season of merry-making comes to an end, many of us can transform from cheery elves to melancholy Charlie Browns. The post holiday blues, also called holiday sadness or holiday depression, can dampen any festive mood, but thankfully we’re here to help.

The good news is that managing holiday stress and the post holiday blues is possible. Below, we’ve listed out five ideas to help you cope if the negative feelings, pressures, or withdrawals of the yuletide season are taking their toll. Add these tips to your holiday plan to bring back the holiday cheer when things get gloomy.

#1 Get More Sleep

A third of adults living in the United States report missing out on sleep, and if you’re one of that unlucky group, your lack of sleep may affect your mental health.1 A recent study looked at the link between insufficient Zs and mental health issues and found that people who didn’t spend enough time hitting the hay were more likely to experience mental distress.2

This winter holiday season, avoid feelings of fogginess, decreased motivation, and concentration issues by ensuring you log at least seven hours per night atop a pillow-soft mattress that rivals the powdered snow outside your icy window.

Casper mattresses are made with premium foam that relieves pressure—of all kinds—so you can drift to sleep peacefully while visions of sugar plums dance in your head.

#2 Avoid Excess Alcohol Consumption

Between the eggnog, spiked hot chocolate, and all the seasonal drinks on offer toward the end of the year, sometimes the underlying message can feel less like “merry, merry, merry” and more like “drink, drink, drink!” And while drinking can certainly induce feelings of jolliness, imbibing excessively can lead to a host of issues, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Negative feelings3

Yes, a cocktail or two can be a nice way to unwind with family or friends. But if you’re keen on limiting Christmas anxiety, try to go easy on the excessive drinking.

Tip: You can also unwind with loved ones through other social events and activities like ice skating, wrapping sleep gifts, or mixing up a batch of non-alcoholic punch to enjoy.

#3 Set Realistic Goals

Come November, our personal dockets of “To-Dos” can seem longer than Santa’s naughty list. Come Christmas, our usual stressors—like work, family, and money—get compounded by mounting self-expectations to throw the best parties, bake the best cookies, and buy the biggest, flashiest gifts.

But repeat after us: It’s okay not to get it all done. Ambitious goals and unrealistic plans are part and parcel of the season. But as long as they aggravate existing feelings of depression or the stress of the holidays, we’re not here for them. To bypass a little Christmas anxiety this year, try these steps instead:

  • Plan your gifting and party budgets upfront and stick to them
  • Hit the mall during off hours—or avoid the crush of crowds by shopping online
  • Practice setting boundaries and saying no

And speaking of boundaries…

#4 Make Time For Friends Who Make You Feel Better

And only friends who make you feel better. Look, the holidays are tough enough as it is. Don’t compound Christmas chaos by hanging with people who tear you down, compare you to others, or naysay your choices. Everyone else can wait until after the snow begins to thaw.

If you happen to suffer from “overcommitting-itis,” here are some healing tips:

  • Be firm – No means no. Don’t feel like you’re being rude if someone is asking you to overstep your boundaries.
  • Take time to prioritize Not sure if you can make that White Elephant party? Look at it in the context of everything else on the calendar to ensure you’re not overextending yourself.
  • Be selfish – Yes, we know giving is the reason for the Christmas season. But when it comes to your mental health, always put yourself first.
5 Ways to Cope with Holiday Nighttime Blues

#5 Practice Self Care

‘Tis the season to treat yourself, and that means filling your home and personal space with whatever soothes you, whether it’s:

Not sure where to start? Be like Rudolph and go against the grain by doing what feels right for you.

Making a list and checking it twice may be soothing for Santa but headache-inducing for you. Whether you relax by hanging with roommates, watching movies, meditating, or something else, the important thing is that you’re partaking in activities that actually help you rest, recharge, and get ready to actually enjoy the holidays.

Implement self-care practices that you can ring in even after the holidays to support your mental, physical, and emotional health even after the colorful lights, sparkling ornaments, and warm flames are extinguished.

Beat the Holiday Blues With Casper

During the holidays, everyone deserves their little piece of peace on earth. To continue the festive feel through the winter holiday season and beyond, prioritize your well-being by getting enough sleep, avoiding excessive alcohol, practicing mindfulness, and prioritizing self-care..

If you feel like these negative emotions are starting to affect your daily life and relationships, seek help from a mental health professional to discuss healthy habits and ways of coping with holiday stress.

Not sure where to start? You may need to sleep on it, and that’s where we come in. At Casper, we provide the coziest sleep products like mattresses, pillows, and nighttime accessories to make every night feel just as cozy as the season’s first snow. And we have all kinds of tips and tricks for achieving adequate, restful, quality sleep on our blog.


  1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Effect of Inadequate Sleep on Frequent Mental Distress. https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2021/20_0573.htm
  2. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Seven or more hours of sleep per night: a health necessity for adults. https://aasm.org/seven-or-more-hours-of-sleep-per-night-a-health-necessity-for-adults/
  3. American Addiction Centers. Effects of Alcohol on the Brain (Long & Short Term Effects). https://americanaddictioncenters.org/alcoholism-treatment/mental-effects

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