How to Stop Snoring: 16 Tips to Sleep Softly

how to stop snoring

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice.

We’ve all been there — tossing and turning as your partner or roommate snores through the night.

Snoring is no small problem. In fact, data shows that 45% of adults snore occasionally, and 25% snore on a regular basis. Snoring not only can disturb any sleepers around you, but it can also point to underlying health conditions like obstructive sleep apnea.

Even though snoring is common, many people still want to know how to stop snoring. Before you accept your fate as a lifelong snorer, we’re here to walk you through scientifically proven ways to prevent and treat snoring, from changing your sleeping position to using a CPAP machine.

Keep reading for our best tips on how to stop snoring, so you and your sleeping partner can snooze soundly at last.

1. Sleep In a New Position

The first way to stop snoring is to change your sleeping position. Although sleeping on your back can be great for your spine, it can cause the tongue to block your airway and increase the chance of snoring. The best sleeping position to stop snoring is on your side.

According to a study, sleep apnea patients who switched from a back to side sleeping position were able to breathe better through the night. For those who snore, becoming a side sleeper could be your key to a quiet slumber — just be sure to choose a supportive pillow to help you stay put.

2. Avoid Alcohol at Night

You might think alcohol makes it easier to fall asleep, but studies show it can actually disturb your rest. Along with a more restless sleep, alcohol before bed can also make your snoring worse. Research shows that consuming alcohol increases the likelihood of snoring and even the development of obstructive sleep apnea.

To prevent snoring, it’s a good idea to avoid drinking alcohol right before bed. Since the intensity of the alcohol-induced snoring depends on the dose, stick to fewer servings if you opt for a nightcap.

3. Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

improve your sleep hygiene

According to a study, sleep-deprived people are more likely to snore. That’s why it’s important to revamp your bedtime routine to support a proper night’s rest.

Research shows that simply getting enough sleep reduces mild snoring.

To help you spend the time in the sack needed to prevent snoring, try to improve your sleep hygiene by incorporating the following tips into your routine:

  • Limit daytime naps
  • Avoid screen time before bed
  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule

With these simple changes, it’s possible to sleep better and more quietly.

4. Take a Hot Shower

Clearing the sinuses at night can also help prevent snoring. According to a study, nasal obstruction can cause snoring and contribute to obstructive sleep apnea.

For those who tend to have a stuffy nose at night, try taking a hot shower or bath before bed. The steam from the water can help clear your nasal passages so you’ll be less likely to snore.

5. Use a Neti Pot

Another way to help open your airways at bedtime is to use a Neti pot. A Neti pot is made to clear out your nasal cavity with a sterile distilled water rinse. According to a study, the use of nasal irrigation devices like a Neti pot can improve sinus problems.

Before using a Neti pot, be sure to read instructions carefully. People who experience nosebleeds on a regular basis should avoid this snoring treatment.

6. Wear a Nasal Strip

wear a nasal strip

You may have seen over-the-counter nasal strips claiming to be miracle snore stoppers, but did you know that they can also help improve breathing while you sleep?

Since nasal strips are designed to help you breathe better by widening the nasal passage, you may notice a reduction in snoring. Just make sure to follow the application instructions on the box.

7. Use a Nasal Dilator

If you’re comfortable with a slightly more invasive approach than an external nasal strip, you may want to try an internal nasal dilator to stop snoring. The dilator is inserted up the nostrils and is designed to open up the nasal passages.

Research shows that sleeping with an internal nasal dilator can help decrease the amount of time spent snoring and improve your sleep quality. Internal nasal dilators may even be more effective at reducing snoring than external nasal strips.

8. Try a Mouthpiece

Sleeping with an anti-snoring mouthpiece may also prevent snoring. According to research, these oral devices can help regular snorers, as well as sleepers with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

Essentially, the mouthpieces push your lower jaw slightly forward so that your tongue doesn’t obstruct the airway. Two common types are a mandibular advancement device (MAD) and a tongue-retaining device, both of which can help reduce snoring. You’ll need to consult your doctor before trying either device.

9. Drink More Water

It may seem simple, but just drinking enough water can help prevent snoring. That’s because dehydration can cause your mucus to thicken, making it harder to breathe right and more likely that you’ll snore.

According to research, you should drink between eight and fifteen glasses of water per day. Especially if you have dehydrating drinks like alcohol or caffeine, you’ll need to boost the hydration to stop snoring. Be mindful of your liquid intake 2-3 hours before bedtime to avoid having to get up in the middle of the night for a bathroom break.

10. Wash Your Pillows Often

wash your pillows often

One simple way to prevent snoring is by cleaning your pillows. Over time, your pillows collect tiny dust mites, resulting in bedroom allergies that can make your nasal passages congested. When your airway is blocked, it can worsen snoring.

To avoid letting the bed bugs bite, it’s a good idea to wash your pillows often. Since cleaning needs vary, be sure to learn how to wash the specific pillows you use. The extra load of laundry can help with snoring while keeping you clean.

11. Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is another possible treatment for snoring. According to research, having a larger neck size may increase the likelihood of snoring. That’s because extra weight around your neck can obstruct your airway.

When trying to upgrade your wellness routine, simply staying active and eating a balanced diet can make a difference. For those late-night cravings, try opting for healthy bedtime snacks.

12. Stop Smoking

If you want to stop snoring, you may also need to stop smoking. Research shows that habitual smokers are more likely to snore.

In another study, ex-smokers began to snore the same amount as non-smokers four years after quitting. It takes some time, but stopping the smoking habit can help you sleep softly down the line.

13. Check Your Blood Pressure

According to a study, there may be a link between snoring and hypertension, or high blood pressure. For those who snore, it’s important to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level. To do so, you may want to pay closer attention to your blood pressure at your next doctor’s visit.

Research shows that exercising regularly, consuming less sodium, and drinking less alcohol are a few natural, simple ways to help ease blood pressure. Not only are these changes great for your general health, but they can also help stop snoring.

14. Perform Mouth Exercises

perform mouth exercises

You’re probably used to push-ups and crunches, but have you heard of mouth exercises? According to a study, these exercises, also known as oropharyngeal exercises, reduce snoring if performed daily for several months.

To do the mouth exercises, you’ll have to move your tongue in different ways, lift your soft palate and uvula, press on certain muscles, and more. Although this method won’t help you stop snoring immediately, it may produce significant results when practiced consistently over time.

15. Use a CPAP Machine

Talk to your doctor about sleeping with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine as an effective way to stop snoring. The device usually consists of a face mask covering your nose and tubing connected to a machine. It produces pressurized air to keep your airway open through the night.

According to research, using a CPAP device helps mitigate snoring and improve the sleep quality of the former snorer and their sleeping partner. Since it’s a bit bulkier than a nasal strip or dilator, the machine may take some getting used to, but its effectiveness makes it worth a try.

16. Try Essential Oils

Although their effectiveness isn’t backed by loads of data, preliminary research suggests that essential oils may be a helpful, natural method for snoring reduction. According to a study, people who tried an essential oil spray or gargle experienced less snoring.

The essential oils used in the study include peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus, and thyme, so those may be great options for sleepers looking to stop snoring. Just make sure to always add a carrier oil to dilute the essential oil before using it.

What Causes Snoring

what causes snoring

People snore because their airway is partially or fully blocked. When air flows through their obstructed throat, the tissues vibrate and produce the sound known as snoring.

Many people snore once in a while, but for regular snorers, there are a handful of common causes. Here are the most widely recognized ones:

  • Obesity
  • High alcohol consumption
  • Deviated septum
  • Chronic nasal congestion
  • Back sleeping position
  • Male sex
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Family history of snoring

When To Visit Your Doctor

Apart from the annoyance to your sleeping partner, snoring is relatively harmless for your health. However, habitual snoring may be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. It’s a good idea to check with your doctor to confirm whether this condition applies to you.

For more serious cases, your doctor may recommend surgery to stop snoring. Research shows that nasal surgery relieves nasal airway impairment and decreases the severity of snoring. If you’re considering a surgical fix, be sure to consult a healthcare professional.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice.


Still have questions about how to stop snoring? Check out the answers to the most common concerns:

Why Do I Snore So Loudly?

Some people snore loudly due to the following causes:
-Alcohol intake
-Anatomical structure
-Nasal congestion
-Sleeping position
-Biological sex
-Sleep deprivation
Other times, loud snoring could be a sign of a more serious condition like obstructive sleep apnea.

How Do I Stop Snoring ASAP?

There are a variety of ways to help you stop snoring as soon as possible, such as changing your sleeping position, wearing a nasal dilator, and using a CPAP machine. Other methods like quitting smoking, performing mouth exercises, or working toward a healthier lifestyle take more time but can be just as effective.

What Is the Best Position to Stop Snoring?

The best position to stop snoring is sleeping on your side. That’s because sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to block your airway, which can lead to snoring.

Is There a Cure for Snoring?

There may not be a surefire cure to snoring, but there are plenty of treatments that can prevent, improve, or even stop you from snoring at night. For mild cases, simple changes to your habits like sleeping on your side or wearing a nasal strip may do the trick. For those with obstructive sleep apnea, a trip to the doctor can provide the advice you need to prevent snoring.

Figuring out how to stop snoring might involve some trial and error. However, once you find the snoring remedies that work for you, you’ll be on your way to better health and better sleep.

For those swapping their sleeping position, it may be time to invest in a new pillow. Check out our original and foam pillows for the support you need to sleep soundly and softly all night long.

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Casper blog articles are written by skilled authors and periodically reviewed by our team of sleep experts at Casper Labs. Driven by comprehensive research and evidence-based practices, we ensure that the content we publish is reliable, actionable, and practical for enhancing sleep quality and wellness.

Our articles incorporate trusted third-party sources, cited within the content and listed at the end for easy reference. At Casper we strive to be an authority and trusted resource for all things sleep.

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