How To Store a Mattress in 7 Easy Steps

how to store a mattress

Whether you’re looking to downsize your home, convert a room into a gym, or have a teenager going off to college, you might need to store a mattress at some point. Mattresses are costly, so it’s important to take the proper steps in preserving the longevity of your mattress while in storage. If you’re wondering how to store a mattress the proper way, then you’ve come to the right place.

It might seem like a good idea to lean your mattress upright in your attic or store your bed under other furniture in your garage, but this could result in a dented area or bacteria developing on your mattress. Instead, follow our steps to ensure your mattress stays in top condition while in storage.

1. Clean Your Mattress

Even if you wash your bedding consistently, your mattress can start to accumulate dust mites, sweat, and dirt over time. Storing a dirty mattress can start to cause bacteria, leading to mold and fungus growth.

Thankfully, there is an easy way to get your mattress ready for storage and sterilized to avoid issues after you retrieve it. In just a few steps, you can make your mattress feel as good as new.

This is the best way to clean a mattress:

  • Remove the mattress from your base and strip the mattress of sheets, blankets, and pillows.
  • Apply a small amount of baking soda and let it sit for an hour on the exterior of your mattress. Letting the baking soda sit on your bed will help absorb odor and remove stains from your mattress.
  • Vacuum up the baking soda using a vacuum extension piece after waiting for an hour.
  • Air out your mattress for several hours to ensure your bed is completely dry.
clean your mattress

After you’ve cleaned and aired out your mattress, you are ready for the next step in how to store a mattress.

2. Cover Your Mattress in Protective Wrap

Covering your mattress in plastic wrap is an important step in keeping your mattress clean. Using protective wrap will prevent dust from settling on the exterior of your bed and attaching itself to the fibers of the fabric.

cover your mattress

Try to avoid using a thick plastic covering because it can accidentally trap moisture and lead to bacteria. Either use a light, breathable plastic wrap with duct tape to secure it in place or a quality mattress bag.

3. Place Your Mattress in Moving Truck

If possible, it is best to avoid strapping your mattress to the top of your car or trying to squeeze it into the back of a pickup truck. In both scenarios, you risk damaging your mattress’s inner foundation. An even worse scenario is that you risk your mattress flying off your vehicle into the road.

place mattress in moving truck

To avoid these issues, it’s best to rent a moving truck to move your mattress to storage. Before you place your bed in a moving truck, line the truck with old blankets and sheets to prevent damage to the exterior of the mattress.

Once you load it into the moving truck, you can then prop it on its side if you have other furniture pieces, as long as it’s for a short period of time.

4. Store Your Mattress Lying Flat

Although you can transport your mattress upright for short periods of time, this will eventually cause damage to the interior materials. The pressure from being on one side can destroy the cushion and internal structure, causing the mattress to become lopsided and uncomfortable to sleep on.

If you have the room to store your mattress flat on the ground, be sure to place a tarp or other material underneath it so it’s not directly on the floor. If you don’t have space, use other furniture pieces to create an even surface to lay it across.

5. Clear Items Off Your Mattress

Once you’ve found a flat surface to lay your mattress down in your storage unit, it’s essential to avoid placing any additional items you have in storage on top of your bed. Storing heavy objects on a mattress can eventually damage the inner workings of your mattress.

clear items off mattress

Placing furniture pieces or heavy items on your mattress can cause permanent damage and leave it dented. No one wants to sleep on a warped mattress, so it’s best not to take the risk.

6. Use a Climate-Controlled Storage Unit

Climate-controlled storage units are the best choice for storing a mattress because they will help protect your mattress from uncertain weather conditions throughout the year. This type of storage unit will guard your mattress against extreme heat in the summer and icy cold winters.

use climate controlled storage

Climate-controlled storage units can also ward off any moisture that can lead to your mattress becoming damp and prone to mold. Maintaining optimal temperature and moisture levels is an essential step in keeping your mattress in tip-top shape.

How To Store Your Mattress at Home

To store a mattress in your garage, follow the same cleaning and storage steps that we went over above. Garages tend to have high humidity, however, creating a breeding ground for fungus and mold to accumulate on your mattress. If you’re not using a climate-controlled storage unit, another option is to invest in a portable dehumidifier to place in your garage.

7. Remove Lingering Odor

Even after taking every precaution to preserve your mattress, it might still come out of storage with some lingering odor. Before sleeping on your bed that night, it’s crucial to unwrap your mattress and let it air out for several hours.

After letting it air out, repeat step one and clean your mattress. Apply a small amount of baking soda, let it sit for an hour, vacuum the residue, and let your mattress air out one last time. Now your mattress should be fresh, clean, and ready to be slept on.

Factors To Consider Based on Mattress Type

Each mattress comes with its own set of extra precautions that need to be taken when being stored. Here is how to store a mattress, whether it’s a memory foam, hybrid, spring, or latex mattress.

How To Store a Memory Foam Mattress

As stated previously, it is essential to store your mattresses flat and clear of any items on top of it. This is especially important for memory foam mattresses because of their soft exterior. Memory foam cannot hold its weight on its side and will create a permanent hunched shape if left upright for an extended period of time.

Another consideration is how to clean memory foam mattresses before and after being put in storage. Do not use upholstery cleaners on this type of mattress because the porous material will allow the cleaner to seep through, making it hard to dry. To avoid this problem, try cleaning it with baking soda instead.

How To Store a Hybrid Mattress

Hybrid mattresses also consist of foam materials, meaning the same considerations for foam mattresses should be taken for hybrid ones. Similar to foam mattresses, it’s best to avoid upholstery cleaner and should not be stored on its side.

These mattresses also have coils that need to be rotated every few months in storage to prevent them from creating raised spots from pressure being applied to one area for too long.

How To Store a Latex Mattress

Latex mattresses have their own set of concerns when putting them into storage because they are heavier than other mattress types. Storing this mattress type on its side can cause significant wear and tear on the exterior and interior of the bed.

Because of its weight, the top of your mattress will start to pull toward the lower half of the bed, causing it to collapse toward one side. It will also begin to deteriorate the foam part of the mattress, so it’s a good idea to follow best practices and always store your mattress flat.

How To Store a Spring Mattress

Spring mattresses are much less flexible compared to other mattress types. This comes with its own set of challenges when it comes to storing a spring mattress. Bending these mattresses while loading them into a storage unit can cause damage to the foundation and internal structure.

Spring mattresses wear out quicker than other mattresses in general, making it even more important to clear any items off your mattress. Allow extra room in your storage unit to avoid these issues when storing a spring mattress.

How To Store a Mattress Topper

Although there are many similarities between storing a mattress and storing a mattress topper, there are also distinct differences. Start by cleaning your mattress topper the same way you would clean your mattress with baking soda.

After your mattress topper is dry and sanitized, you can roll up the mattress topper so it takes up less space in your storage unit. Unlike a regular mattress, this will not damage the interior of the topper.

Next, place your rolled-up mattress topper into a storage bag or wrap it in thin plastic. Like mattresses, it’s best to store your mattress topper in a climate-controlled room to avoid moisture.

Importance of Storing a Mattress Properly

Knowing how to store a mattress properly is a big part of maintaining the quality of your mattress. To keep your mattress extra clean and safe in storage, consider purchasing a mattress protector to help combat potential dust and mold.

If you follow these steps, you’ll have a better chance of having a clean and odor-free mattress when you pick it up in the future.

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